Prayer Room

Following the example of 700 people bowed in prayer to support Charles Spurgeon's leadership, this page seeks to organize:

  • 700 prayer warriors who each identify and pray for a local leader in 1 of the 7 spheres. The goal is to pray at least 25 verses back to God on behalf of the leader. 700 x 25 = 17,500 verses
  • 2500 verses related to each of the 7 spheres. Each verse is to be worded to suggest how we can pray for a leader in one of the 7 spheres. 2500 x 7 = 17,500 verses

Samples of Passages "Prayed Back to God"
X             (Titus 1:9 NIV) I pray that our church leaders hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that they encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.
X             (Psalm 51:2-8) I pray that we will more fully acknowledge our transgressions, trusting that as we confess, God will wash away all our iniquity, cleanse us from our sin, and help us be right when we speak and justified when we judge. I pray that we will desire truth in our inner parts and wisdom in the inmost place. Then we will be clean, whiter than snow. Let us hear joy and gladness throughout our church.
X             (2 Chronicles 31:21) I pray that in every work I begin in the service of the house of God, in keeping with the law and the commandments to seek God, inquiring of and yearning for Him, with all of my heart, that my family, church, and covenant communities may experience His prosperity.
  X           (Acts 17:11 NIV) I pray that my family have the noble character of the Bereans, who received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.
  X           (John 8:31) I pray that my family members will reflect continually on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, who said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples."
  X           (1 John 2:3-4) I pray that my family members will know that we have come to know Jesus because we obey his commands. I ask that we understand more fully how to obey His word, so that God's love will truly be made more complete in us and that we will follow the command to walk as Jesus did.
  X           (3 John 4 NIV) I pray that my wife and I experience the great joy of hearing that our children are walking in the truth.
  X           (3 John 1:2) I pray that my beloved and I may prosper in every way and that our bodies may keep well, even as God and our pastors help our souls keep well and prosper.
    X         (Isaiah 26:3) When defending truth in the public square, I pray that God keep me in perfect peace with my mind steadfastly trusting in Him.
    X         (John 15:10) I pray that we find/support local government leaders who obey God's commands, remain in His love, following the model of Christ, who obeyed His Father's commands and remained in his love. By obeying His commands regardless of circumstances, I pray that Christ's joy may be in us and that our joy may be complete.
    X         (Joshua 1:8) When called into judicial roles, I pray that the Book of the Law shall not depart out of my mouth, but I shall meditate on it day and night, that I may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then I shall make my way prosperous, and then I shall deal wisely and have good success.
      X       (Psalm 34:7, 91:11) I pray that students and teachers will fear the Lord so that an angel of the LORD will encamp around them and he deliver them. I ask that God command His angels to guard Christian teachers and students.
      X       (Rom 15:4, 13) I pray that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures Christian teachers might have hope, and the God of hope will fill us with all joy and peace as we trust in him, so that we may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
        X     (Proverbs 1:33) I pray that my staff members will actively encourage one another to listen to God, and thereby live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.
        X     (2 Corinthians 8:7) I pray that we manage our businesses so that we excel in every aspect of our vision and mission. Our excellence should be evident through our faith, speech, knowledge, and complete earnestness in serving clients lovingly. Our service should help us increasingly excel in the grace of giving.
          X   (John 16:13) when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, we pray that He will guide our journalists into all the truth
            X (Habakkuk 2:14) Through media messages, I pray that we cast a vision for the earth being filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.
To see a list of 17,500 verses that you can pray back to God, please visit