Note: Confessional documents contain the system of doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures. See a summary of the 39 Articles and Proof texts at
A future version of this pages is being designed with a search engine that helps the viewer see how proof texts underlying the 39 Articles parallel the proof texts underlying the Westminster Confession of Faith (WCF) and the 9 Marks of a Healthy Church. The goal is to show how these summaries of Biblical teachings point toward our Trinitarian Lord's means of grace as well as the covenant of grace and covenant of peace. The page will highlight parallels between the means of grace (word, prayer and sacraments) and teachings about peace and purity. The hope is that Christian leaders in the 3 Institutions and 7 Spheres will unite with commitment to preaching of the Word, prayer, and peacemaking.
The 39 Articles summary the following 800 Bible verses:
Click Here to Select 39 Articles
1. Of Faith in the Holy Trinity.
3. Of his going down into Hell.
6. Of the Sufficiency of the Scripture.
13. Of Works before Justification.
14. Of Works of Supererogation.
15. Of Christ alone without Sin.
17. Of Predestination and Election.
18. Of obtaining Salvation by Christ.
20. Of the Authority of the Church.
21. Of the Authority of General Councils.
23. Of Ministering in the Congregation.
24. Of speaking in the Congregation.
26. Of the Unworthiness of Ministers.
29. Of the Wicked which eat not the Body of Christ.
32. Of the Marriage of Priests.
34. Of the Traditions of the Church.
36. Of Consecrating of Ministers.
39. Of a Christian man's Oath.