Biblical Reason
Rebuilding Christian Culture
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This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but .... we have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:13,16)
Ten Marks of the Biblical Church
These ten marks parallel those at but add a 10th mark involving economics because, 1) Jesus speaks more about economics than any other topics, 2) poll-takers list economic concerns among the biggest local and national problems, and 3) the church has a key economic role in working with the family and government to implement Biblical economic solutions.
R Revelation and Resources
  1 Biblical Theology
God reveals His character through the creation covenant followed by the Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, and other covenants cumulating with the revelation through the New Covenant.
2 The Gospel
The Gospel has been revealed through covenants since long before Christ preached the gospel message
T Transcendent, Purposeful Preaching
  3 Preaching
Scripture, such as in Romans 10:14-15, emphasizes the purposes of preaching in reaching the lost. Preaching is also essential to encourage the heirs of the covenant.
Everyone has been designed with unique gifts, strengths, and talents. Each has a calling from God that he/she can and should pursue with a passion. Leaders should help each team member pursue his or her God given-purpose in job descriptions that reflects the character of God. Such a job description should address the elements of God's covenantal character (potential, purpose, process, priorities and principles, provision, and pathway to prosperity). As each person pursues his or her God-given potential and purpose, the individual will then be best equipped to join with others in building a successful enterprise according to the process at
H Hearing God through His Hierarchy
  4 Leadership
Covenant communities (e.g. Churches) have always been led by a plurality of elders that are chosen, equipped, and monitored according to a time-tested and Spirit-led process. These elders reflect Christ's character as prophet (e.g., preaching), priest (e.g., giving pastoral care), and king (e.g., managing programs).
5 Membership
Church membership roles and responsibilities have been defined throughout Scripture. Membership covenants unite church members around a shared understanding
6 Discipleship
Discipleship pastors equip members to know their calling and follow Christ in the classroom, family room, board room, court room, and other places where believers are called to reflect the covenantal character of God.
Jesus said ..."If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples" (John 8:31). This website reviews four cornerstones of Biblical Discipleship, including Christ, the Church, Calling, and Covenantal relationships. In each cornerstone, the disciple should learn how to, "take every thought captive" (2 Cor. 10) and apply God's Word when following Jesus.
Jesus said ..."If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples" (John 8:31). We want to help each staff member "take every thought captive" (2 Cor. 10) and know how to apply God's Word when following Jesus.
  7 Economics
Christ speaks more about economics than any other topic, and Christ's bride (the Church) has a key economic role itself and when interacting with God's other two main covenantal institutions: the family and government.
Each staff member has been given time, talents, treasures (money, etc.), and trusting relationships by God. We want to help our team members discern what is best (Philippians 1:9-10) and make the most of every opportunity (Ephesians 5:16 and Colossians 4:5)
A Biblical business realizes success by developing and executing a plan based on a clear vision and statement of values. The paragraphs at this site provide models to guide development of Biblical vision statements, Biblical values statements, and Biblical plans. See more information at and at
Outcomes - Oaths
  8 Discipline
Church discipline helps maintain the peace and purity of the body. When conflicts develop, Biblical peacemaking can resolve the conflicts promptly according to provisions in the church bylaws and membership covenants.
We honor Christ's high priestly prayer for unity in John 17 and parallel exhortations for unity throughout Scripture. As differences of purpose or style cause conflicts, we welcome assistance with resolving the conflicts in a Biblical manner. We also want to equip our staff to help clients address conflicts that arise as family leaders transfer ownership, management, control, and cash flow from each generation to the next.
S Succession
  9 Evangelism
Biblical preaching emphasizes elements of the covenant. God's revelation and transcendence are preached with power and conviction that leads to conversion.
10 Conversion
Biblical preaching emphasizes elements of the covenant. God's revelation and transcendence are preached with power and conviction that leads to conversion.

Abstract: Below is a summary how leaders can help strengthen culture one church community at a time. The examples below assume that leaders creatively develop local resources while uniting in worship and prayer to develop a vision unique to the relationships in the local community. The unified worship and prayer begins in the Upper Room. This focus on the Lord should inspire communities to build time-tested models for church-based family, educational, economic, and judicial institutions in the boardrooms, courtrooms, classrooms, and family rooms. As secular institutions collapse under the weight of excessive debt and the challenges of untenable political power imbalances, the paragraphs below should inspire the development of Christ-centered solutions.

Restoring the centrality of Christ in the Upper Room. In his book, The Upper Room, famed 19th century theologian J.C. Riley reminds readers that the "upper room" was "the forerunner of every church and cathedral." Riley continues, "Here it was that professing Christians...first began to pray together, to worship, and to exhort one another." They focused on developing unified responses to the issues that God placed on their hearts. Such issues undoubtedly involved the family, educational, economic, and judicial matters that most concerned Christ.  

Restoring the centrality of Christ in the family room. Our kids need to know how to rebuild Western civilization – drawing on the wisdom of Calvin and the monks who rebuilt Europe one community at a time after corrupt leaders destroyed most of European civilization.  See, e.g., “Calvins Geneva by E. William Monter and How the Irish Saved Civilization by Thomas Cahill. During home-based Biblical education, parents can lead children through Bible studies that reveal Biblical solutions to all of the most challenging issues described in 21st century newspapers. Kids can see the importance of maintaining Biblical worship and prayer at the heart of communities with Christ-centered educational, commercial, and judicial institutions.  

Restoring the centrality of Christ in the classroom. The future of affordable education will revolve around local churches that emphasize mentoring and discipleship in the real world (drawing on wisdom from how churches historically have been involved in education).  Young men around us will get plugged into solid men’s groups at local churches that emphasize the 9 marks of the Biblical church (see and  Classic Biblical models describe affordable ways to give the young men biblical life-school integration whether they take classes online or at a Christian college like Biola (as part of the 30 units that must be earned at the “bricks and mortar” school in order to earn a degree requiring 120+ units.)  Most parents cannot keep paying $75K per year per kid (pre-tax) for the private school education experience, but they can afford and encourage the low-cost distributive education piped into local communities through the internet. Such community-based education can build the strongest relationships while cultivating skills and talents that will best serve the community.  

Restoring the centrality of Christ in the boardroom. God’s Word guides development of Spirit-led enterprise. A practical model is explained at and The model assumes governance based on Christian values that are taught and encouraged from the pulpits of churches with sound doctrine. Of course, this model will work best if institutions are not too burdened by excessive creditor demands or too much uncertainty caused by an unstable monetary system. To address these financial problems, and to protect Christians from the inevitable collapse of the Federal Reserve System, Christians should focus on building wealth inside tax-efficient vehicles that own many non-dollar investments as well as inflation-hedged hard asset investments (e.g., real estate that cash flows). The pension, insurance, and charity lobbies are strong enough that the tax benefits of pension funds, insurance policies, charitable foundations, and similar vehicles should remain good throughout our lifetimes.  

Restoring the centrality of Christ in the courtroom. Throughout Judeo-Christian history, the religious institutions resolved disputes. Since Christ, churches have maintained ecclesiastical courts to resolve a broad array of matters according to legal statutes and principles of equity. The robust case laws from church courts guided Blackstone as he wrote commentaries that established a foundation for English and American jurisprudence. While American courts were substantially Biblical for nearly 200 years, they began a drift toward secularism in the 1900s. Today many judicial decisions are based on expediency, relativism, and opinions of biased judges. Such decisions undermine relationships. Fortunately, however, Biblical systems of jurisprudence are now providing viable alternative methods of resolving conflicts. See, e.g.,